
How to get new weapons in tf2
How to get new weapons in tf2

how to get new weapons in tf2

Repeat this method till you have ~ 2 Refined Metal (18 Scrap Metal). You will now have 2 weapons which you will again try to sell for 1 Scrap Metal each. When you’ve managed to sell your weapon you need to go to Scrap.tf and click Trade > Weapons > Buy, select 2 weapons and checkout with your 1 Scrap Metal. Here you will advertise that you’re selling 1 craftable weapon for 1 Scrap Metal. When you have acquired a tradeable and craftable weapon you can go ahead and join a community server. You could also be gifted craftable and tradeable weapons by another Steam user if they have TF2 premium. Store, which should not cost more than a dollar, or you could receive the “ Upgrade to Premium Gift” by another user. To fix this you need to buy something in the Mann Co. Store, your account is not premium which means that all item drops received in-game will be untradeable.

how to get new weapons in tf2

If you’ve never bought anything in the Mann Co. To get started with scrapbanking in TF2 you need some tradeable weapons or metal. How do I get started? Made by u/BOMBTOBERFEST Scrapbanking will also help you to get more familiar with trading sites such as Scrap.tf or STN.tf. It’s also good to learn the basics of trading such as learning how to calculate metal needed for a trade. It’s a really simple and good trading strategy if you’re just starting off or want to learn how to trade.

how to get new weapons in tf2

You would then go ahead and sell each weapon bought, for 0.11 ref, essentially doubling what you paid for the item. This process has been simplified by sites such as Scrap.tf and STN.tf which offers to sell craftable weapons or craft weps for short, for 0.05 ref. Most traders started with this trading method and has since worked their way up to expensive inventories. Scrapbanking is the most know low-tier trading strategy. Scrapbanking is the process of buying craftable TF2 weapons and selling them for more than you paid for. In this guide you will learn everything you need to know about scrapbanking.

How to get new weapons in tf2